Sunday, January 9, 2011

what grows in the woods,, you can eat

 rupert ,, if you were very hungry you could make 1 kebab from him,,sorry rupert
 lulu spots some grapes to pick

 i even get offered one,, thanks

 and we have lots of mango's this year,, like i mean lots,,

 this is called the crocodile plant
 macadamia nuts.. we have an awe full lot of them...

 very hot old hen,,,still hanging in there

 Seville oranges for marmalade
 weird lemon thing,, oh and some nice blue eggs
in our wild and woolly garden has some lovely little secrets it reveals to us every now and then, just now its super hot here and i do wonder how anything survives,, in fact during our holidays one of our free loading chickens carked it in the heat,, she was old and so past her best no longer egg laying,, defunct by chicken terms, but despite having a dinky di big Aussie husband there were no volunteers to dispatch the 2 free loaders, so like total suckers we persisted in feeding the useless silly  things,, so we were actually bit pleased the heat got rid of one tales three pressure off us,, anyhow there are some use full things in our garden,,,,


  1. and there was me thinking this post would be about mushrooms?! heh heh heh

  2. wow...what a garden...It must be beautiful living like that Gill. Cant see all the rubbish in mine at the moment for the snow, it does hide a multitude of sins.
